Youth Services Satisfaction Survey
Please tell us about your experience with the Youth Services Division within Community Action: an initiative of the Core Four Partnership: City of San Marcos, Hays County, Texas State University and San Marcos CISD.
Date of initial contact with the Youth Services division within Community Action: an initiative of the Core Four Partnership.
What youth services program/event did you attend?
If other, please explain:
Which of the following best describes you in this interaction with Youth Services?
If other, please explain:
Rate the following statements about your experience with youth services
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Staff exhibited a courteous, professional and positive attitude
Staff was knowledgeable and/or directed me appropriately
Rate the following statement about your experience with youth services
Very Positive
Somewhat Positive
Somewhat Negative
Very Negative
How would you rate the quality of your experience with youth services?
Rate the following statements about your experience with youth services
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Location of Event/Program
Food/Snacks Provided
Quality of Event
Quality of Content
Quality of Event Speakers
Length of Event
What types of programming or partnerships would you like to see implemented by Youth Services in the future?
What was most beneficial from the event/program that you attended?
How can Youth Services Division within Community Action be improved?
Please provide any additional comments, information and/or suggestions.
Are you interested in joining/participating in the following:
Youth Task Force
SMTX Mental Health Coalition
Youth Coalition
If you are interested in joining/participating in Youth Services, please provide email.
Would you like to receive updates and additional information from youth services?
If yes, please provide email.
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